
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tazkirah daripada Hanaa



Have I ever mentioned that I'm back at JB now? I guess not. So yeah, I'm back at JB. It's my 8th day here, actually. and I'm leaving for my grandma's house tomorrow, and will be back to Lendu on the next day. Wuu, time flew so faaaaaast.. Mid-semester break, Y U NO end slower? agagaga..

Eh, actually, I want to write in malay in this post.
Mari kita menyambung ber-blog dengan bahasa ibunda.

Seminggu sudah aku duduk di rumah. Alhamdulillah dapat banyak luangkan masa dengan keluarga tercinta, dapat ber-reunion dengan sahabat satu batch yang perempuan (mawar generasi12), dapat memandu kereta di sekitar Johor Bahru setelah sebulan mendapat lesen. Alhamdulillah atas segalanya.

Aku sebenarnya mahu berkongsi akan pengalamanku bersama dengan Hanaa, adikku yang paling kecil, bakal berusia 6 tahun pada Mac tahun depan. Post khas sempena berakhirnya 2011, ialah tazkirah daripada Hanaa.


Ketika itu, aku sedang makan maggi goreng dengan Hanaa. Tiba-tiba Solehah datang sekali. Biasalahkan, tumpang segarfu dua.
Solehah: Naaaakk..
Hanaa: Ambillah (dengan lembut dan baik hatinya).
Aku: Hah, makanlah.. Tapi jangan banyak sangat..! Tapi, makanlah..
Solehah: Terima kasiihh..
Aku: Haa, dah, jangan banyak-banyak sangat. Kalau nak lagi, buat sendiri. hoho.
Hanaa: Aliya ni, kongsi jelah dengan Solehah. Allah kan sayang kalau kita kongsi-kongsi..
*suuuuu......zup* (bunyi anak panah tercucuk kat jantung)

Hanaa, itu pedih. Terima kasih kerana menegurku.
Akhirnya, kongsi dengan Solehah sekali.
Tapi Solehah memang ambil tak banyak pun.
Nasib baik. <--- ok, ini jahat.


Situasi seterusnya. Hanaa nak makan burger. Aku nak potong daging burger untuk digoreng. Aku potong sebab daging burger tu kan dia macam melekat antara satu sama lain kan, beku pula tu. (sila bayangkan Ramly punya daging burger).

Nak dijadikan kisah, waktu tengah potong daging burger tu, hujung pisau tu tercucuk tapak tangan aku. Nasib baik lah hujung pisau tu tak tajam sangat. Tapi berdarah la juga setitik. Hanaa pun mula la bertazkirah;

"Itula, lain kali, sebelum potong, baca bismillah."

Oh a'ah kan. Aku lupa baca bismillah. Astaghfirullah. Lepas tu, alhamdulillah tiada lagi kecederaan lanjut. Dan Hanaa pun dapat menikmati burger dengan riangnya.


Alhamdulillah, terenye mama dengan abah didik Hanaa sampai boleh bagi tazkirah kat aku. huhu.

Pengajaran daripada tazkirah Hanaa:

  1. Jadilah terbuka untuk berkongsi. Lebih baik, bersikap ithar; melebihkan orang lain daripada diri sendiri.
  2. Sebelum apa-apa perbuatan, baca bismillah. Insya-Allah, senang kerja. Kerja dikira jadi ibadah lagi :)

Semoga Hanaa membesar dengan menjadi anak yang solehah untuk mama dan abah, dan jadi muslimah yang hebat, insya-Allah.

Sekian sahaja perkongsian untuk kali ini.
Wassalam :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You have the knowledge, now act!



It's 27th of December already. 2012 is just around the corner behind my house. It'll arrive here soon.
2011 has taught me a lot of things. but lately, I've been thinking about the knowledge I'm and have been practising. Or things that I have the knowledge, but I didn't practise... *pedih!

Back at school, I've learned a lot of things and knowledge. I've been shaped at school, and now that I have finished school, it is time to practise what I've learned, before the knowledge is being buried and forgotten.

"And say: My Lord, increase me in knowledge." (Taaha, 20: 114 )
credits to  ΜâĻĕķăŧ-Đцβǎϊ @ flickr

I remember once in TED class with Miss Ju, we were learning about education. How do learners learn. Some of the steps are by reading, repeating and memorizing. Miss Ju asked if anyone of us are from any religious school. I raised my hand, so she asked me some questions,
Miss: Aliya, back at school, you have to remember the quranic verse, the hadith, right?
Me: Yes. (suddenly remembered my hafazan. sigh. How it's getting,, not good)
Miss: How do you remember them?
Me: By reading, repeat them. Memorize. Listen to others.
Miss: So, you do all the steps given there right? (pointing to the whiteboard, where she wrote the notes on the steps to learn)
Me: Yes. sort of. 
and now, the pedih plus menusuk part. 
Miss: Now, do you still remember the things you've memorized?
Me: just, a little bit of them......
Miss: Why?
Me: because I don't repeat them anymore.... (whispered)
and this is why repetition is important, people!

and our lesson continues as usual..
But my thoughts went to some other places. I thought a lot about things I've gained, but I end up forgetting them. Astaghfirullah.

Sometimes, we have to revise on what we have learned, so that we remember them better. Learn, repeat, revise. and to make it easier for you to remember is, to practise what you've learned. You have the knowledge, now act!

Alhamdulillah I can still remember some verses and surah from the Quran as I understand some of them and some of the verses are often repeatedly appeared on the facebook wall, or tumblr, or twitter, or any articles. So I can still remember.

credits to  Philipp Klinger Photography @ Flickr

Then, just now, I suddenly thought of this quote;
العلم بلا عمل كالشجر بلا ثمر
Knowledge without practise is like a tree without fruits.

You have the knowledge, but you don't act. You don't practise. Then what's the use of the knowledge you've gained? You don't get the benefits. No fruits.

Now, this post is actually a reminder to myself. To practise what I know, before I lose them. and it's better to spread the knowledge. Discuss. Etc. Bla-bla-bla.

So, yeah, new year's goal (which is already set months ago): To practise what I learn, and share.


What if you act, but you don't have the knowledge?
Now that's another story. The answer is, that is why you have to always seek for knowledge! Make sure you always have someone to refer to, when you're confused on something.
kalau tak, sesat kang. hish. na'uzubillah.
Knowledge without practice is fruitless.
Practice without knowledge, you are lost.
Let us enlighten ourselves with the light of knowledge.

Alright. That's all. Salam.

P/S: 'xcuse me for the long post. This is what happen when you haven't written here for quite some time.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dia Maha Penyayang



Pagi tadi, terbangun sangat awal. Sebab tidur terlalu awal semalam. hoho. Bangun-bangun je, tiba-tiba tafsir ayat ini terngiang-ngiang di kepala.

 "Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Wahai hamba-hambaKu yang telah melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri (dengan perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat), janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, kerana sesungguhnya Allah mengampunkan segala dosa; sesungguhnya Dialah jua Yang Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Penyayang."

[Az-Zumar : 53]

Dia Maha Pengampun.
Dia Maha Penyayang.

Terima kasih Allah.