
Friday, June 29, 2012

Teguran yang innocent


*mod berblogging dalam bahasa ibunda*

Alhamdulillah. Banyak sangat pekara yang aku belajar ketika mengajar. Untung kot, sebab mengajar sekolah agama. Walaupun nakal dan tak matang, bila budak tu sebut kata-kata yang keagamaan sikit, nanti cepat je sejuk hati. Terharu dan bersyukur. Bersyukur sebab sekurang-kurangnya ilmu agama itu ada dalam diri mereka.

Meh aku cerita sikit pengalaman petang tadi.

Hari ini aku balik daripada sekolah agak lambat sebab aku kena menggantikan kelas yang gurunya ada urusan lain. Tadi aku jaga kelas tambahan untuk darjah 6. Masuk kelas, mestilah bajet garang kan. Lepas itu, suruhlah anak-anak murid buat kerja. Mula-mula tu, okaylah, semua dengar kata. Tapi, macam biasalah kan, lama-lama mesti ada yang borak juga. Dahlah tengah hujan lebat kat luar masa tu. Nyaman je.

Tak, ni bukan gambar ketika mengajar kat sekolah. Gambar ni diambil ketika sedang berangan mengajar di lecture hall di UiTM Lendu suatu ketika dahulu. credits to Izni Suhaimi.

Aku jalan-jalan pusing satu kelas tu. Suruh sekumpulan aulad buat kerja mereka. Lepas tu terdengar sekumpulan banat macam rancak berbual. Aku pergi kat mereka. Suruh buat kerja. Dua kelompok ni jelah yang kerja agak tergendala sebab berbual. Yang lain tekun je buat kerja alhamdulillah.

Sekali, one time, aku pergi kat kumpulan banat yang borak tadi. Tetiba salah seorang banat tu cakap, "Ustazah nak tau rahsia tak?"
Peh, tertariklah juga kan. "Apa?"

"Tu ha, aulad tu kan, dia suka *nama*."
Oh heh tu je ke rahsianya.. "Oh, ok. Awak suka siapa pulak?" Oops, terlayan.

Tetiba tersedar. Mereka patutnya buat kerja. "Hey, buat kerjalah!"

Pastu aku jalan-jalan lagi. Adalah beberapa murid panggil aku tanya pasal soalan yang mereka tak dapat jawab. Aku jalan dekat kumpulan aulad yang banyak borak. Mereka cakap pasal rahsia tu jugak. Dan aku suruh lagi mereka buat kerja. Suka benar cakap pasal minat meminati kaum tak sejenis ni. Hangpa nak periksa besar kot!

Kumpulan banat yang tadi tu panggil aku lagi.
"Ustazah nak tau tak, aulad yang tu pun suka *nama* jugak tau."
Ceh, aku ingat dia panggil sebab nak tanya soalan. Pastu aku macam, oh ok. Pastu suruh lah mereka buat kerja lagi.

Lepas tu ada seorang aulad panggil aku. Aulad ni memang kerap angkat tangan tanya soalan. Tapi kali ni soalan dia tak berkaitan dengan pelajaran. Dengan muka suci, senyum-senyum konon segan dan penuh innocent, dia bertanya,

"Ustazah, waktu diorang bagi tau pasal 'rahsia' tu dekat ustazah kan, kan waktu tu tengah guruh, kenapa ustazah tak cakap "auzubillahi minassyaitonirrajim" atau "astaghfirullahal-adzim"? Nanti ustazah kena sambar petir kang macam mana."

Serius terdiam. Lama aku fikir apa yang patut aku balas.
A'ah an. Terlayan gosip. Astaghfirullah..

Terima kasih aulad sebab bagi teguran padaku. Aku tak ingat nama dia. Ingat bin apa je. hoho.

Lepas tu terus aku suruh kumpulan banat tu buat kerja je dan nasihat la sikit, gosip tu tak membawa ke mana pun. Wuwu.

Semoga aulad yang menegur tu dapat jadi insan yang soleh dan musleh suatu hari nanti. Juga mereka-mereka yang terlibat samada secara langsung atau tak langsung dalam cerita ni.

Terima kasih Allah.


Aulad = anak lelaki
Banat = anak perempuan

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday's story. Teaching fiqh.



I am currently working at my former primary school, SRIHJB as guru ganti sementara (temporary replacement teacher ke?). I teach Bahasa Melayu, Fiqh and Sivik & Kajian Tempatan. Here is a story that has been stuck in my head for a while.


Year 2 class, teaching Fiqh.
Last week, I have taught them on how to perform daily prayers. The steps, the niat.
Therefore, this week, it's time to learn about one of the recitation in prayer that is Doa Iftitah (Opening prayer).
The class went well. The students listened to what I told them. They did some work in their activity book. Activities on the daily prayers and doa iftitah.

One student raised his hand. Asked me on how to do one question. It's on niat solat fardhu.
"You just have to fill in these blanks. Alright, try one here. Usolli fardha subhi...? what comes after that?"
He kept quite.
"Okay. Try this one, since you're going to perform Zohor prayer after this. Usolli fardha zuhri..?"
He kept quite again.
I helped him continue, "arba'a roka'aatin......"
Later I said, "It's okay. You can refer the niat in your textbook. Here."
Then he continued his work with his friends.

The time's up. It's time for them to get ready for Zohor prayer. After giving salaam and read some dua, the students went out of the class. But some boys didn't. I heard one of them said, "Ustazah, he's crying!"
I went closer to them and asked the friends around the crying one, "Why is he crying?"
It was the one who asked me the question earlier.
"We don't know, Ustazah," they said.
"Did someone make you cry?" I asked the boy. He shook his head.
"Is it me? Am I too 'garang'?" He shook immediately.
"Then why?" He still sobbed.
Then one of his friend said, "Maybe he's afraid to perform prayer."
That's an odd reason. but I asked him anyway, "Are you afraid to perform prayer?"
To my surprise, he nodded.
"Why?" I asked.
"He just transferred here, Ustazah. He's from overseas," said one of his friends.
Okeh, no wonder his face looked new, because he was (or is? since he's still new).
I recalled to the time he asked me the question before. No wonder he looked a bit blur. Maybe he is still learning to perform prayer.
I asked the boy, "Do you not know how to pray? Is that the reason?"
He nodded again, still sobbing.
"It's okay, *name*. You can learn to pray in the musolla. Just follow their movements and what they recite during performing prayer."
(Good thing that for Tahap 1 [Year 1-3], when they pray, they recite the prayer recitation out loud, from the niat, to salaam, and dua after prayer. Easier for them to remember and memorize)
I patted the boy's back. "Come on now. It's okay."
Then his friends said, "Let's pray. Don't worry. Just follow us."
and there they go.

lepas tu balik bilik guru, duduk sebentar. batuk-batuk. lepas tu suara terus serak sampai sekarang. an immediate change. unpredictable. (selingan :P)

Some school view at night.
academic building (secondary school) on the left, kompleks tahfiz building on the right.
The musolla (surau) is the one with bright windows on the ground floor. above it is female's musolla.  

A few thoughts came across my mind after that,

Just in standard 2. Approximately 8 years old. Cried for not knowing how to pray. Has supportive friends. Got to be in religious school, insya-Allah to strengthen his Islamic foundation. He is lucky. At least he started learning now. Not later.
May he grow up to be a mu'min soleh.

and to think about it,
hey, I think I'm actually luckier. Thanks Allah. Thanks abah and mama.
but I took the things I got for granted.
Only when I lose them that I tried to grab everything back. and that is right after I finished high school.

let us always be grateful. For having faith. For having lots of knowledge. For everything that we have.

I've learnt a lot from my experience as a temporary teacher, but I guess I'm gonna share just this for today.