
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Antara Sabar dan Mengeluh


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Malam tadi, aku nak tidur. Tapi tak dapat tidur. Kepala asyik berfikir. Macam-macam yang aku fikir. Pasal blog, pasal kawan, pasal 'aku nak tidur! tapi kenapa tak dapat tidur?', pasal pelajaran, pasal result (cuak), pasal sem depan, pasal driving, pasal sekolah (sob sob. rindu), tu je kot.

Tengah-tengah fikir pasal sekolah tu, tiba-tiba aku teringat kisah yang akak naqibahku pernah cerita waktu MDP dulu. Ni waktu aku tingkatan 3 (2008). Naqibah aku ketika itu ialah kak Nusaibah Kamsari, yang ketika itu tingkatan 5. Hari tu hari Jumaat, pagi. Dalam sesi tazkirah, kak Nusaibah bercerita tentang seorang perempuan yang sabar. Ini kisahnya. (aku google dan jumpa di blog syahirul)

photo credit to ru0905 @ flickr

Antara Sabar dan Mengeluh

Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang pemuda yang bernama Abul Hassan pergi haji di Baitul Haram. Di waktu tawaf, tiba-tiba dia melihat seorang wanita yang bersinar dan berseri wajahnya. “Demi Allah, belum pernah aku melihat wajah secantik dan secerah wanita itu, tidak lain ia pasti kerana wanita itu tidak pernah risau dan bersedih hati”, katanya.

Wanita itu mendengar ucapan Abul Hassan lalu ia bertanya, “Apakah katamu hai saudaraku? Demi Allah aku tetap terbelenggu oleh perasaan dukacita dan luka hati kerana risau, dan tiada seorang pun yang mengetahui hal ini.

Abu Hassan bertanya, “Bagaimana hal yang merisaukanmu?

Wanita itu menjawab, “Pada suatu hari ketika suamiku sedang menyembelih kambing korban, dan pada aku mempunyai dua orang anak yang sudah boleh bermain dan yang satu masih menyusu, dan ketika aku bangun untuk membuat makanan, tiba-tiba anakku yang agak besar berkata pada adiknya, Hai adikku, sukakah aku tunjukkan padamu bagaimana ayah menyembelih kambing?’” Jawab adiknya, “Baiklah kalau begitu.

Lalu disuruh adiknya baring dan disembelih leher adiknya itu. Kemudian dia merasa ketakutan setelah melihat darah memancut keluar dan lari ke bukit yang mana di sana dia telah dimakan oleh serigala, lalu ayahnya pergi mencari anaknya itu sehingga mati kehausan dan ketika aku letakkan bayiku untuk keluar mencari suamiku, tiba-tiba bayiku merangkak menuju ke periuk yang berisi air panas, ditariknya periuk tersebut dan tumpahlah air panas terkena ke badannya habis melecur kulit badannya. Berita ini terdengar kepada anakku yang telah berkahwin dan tinggal di daerah lain, maka ia jatuh pengsan hingga sampai menuju ajalnya. Dan kini aku tinggal sebatang kara di antara mereka semua.”

Lalu Abul Hassan bertanya, “Bagaimanakah kesabaranmu menghadapi semua musibah yang sangat hebat itu?

Wanita itu menjawab, “Tiada seorang pun yang dapat membezakan antara sabar dengan mengeluh melainkan ia menemukan di antara keduanya ada jalan yang berbeza. Adapun sabar dengan memperbaiki yang lahir, maka hal itu baik dan terpuji akibatnya. Dan adapun mengeluh, maka orangnya tidak mendapat ganti yakni sia-sia belaka.

Demikianlah cerita di atas, satu cerita yang dapat dijadikan teladan di mana kesabaran sangat digalakkan oleh agama dan harus dimiliki oleh setiap orang yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah dalam setiap terkena musibah dan dugaan dari Allah.

Kerana itu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda dalam firman Allah dalam sebuah hadis Qudsi: “Tidak ada balasan bagi hambaKu yang mukmin, jika Aku ambil kekasihnya dari ahli dunia kemudian ia sabar, melainkan syurga baginya.

Begitu juga mengeluh. Perbuatan ini sangat dikutuk oleh agama dan hukumnya haram. Kerana itu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Tiga macam daripada tanda kekafiran terhadap Allah, merobek baju, mengeluh dan menghina nasab orang.” Dan sabdanya pula, “Mengeluh itu termasuk kebiasaan Jahiliah, dan orang yang mengeluh, jika ia mati sebelum taubat, maka Allah akan memotong baginya pakaian dari wap api neraka.” (Riwayat Ibnu Majah)
"...Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang sabar"
[Al-Baqarah, 2: 153]
photo credit to: Musa Kuuma @ DeviantArt

Macam mana kisah tadi? Best kan? walaupun seram dia sembelih adik dia. oyr! >__< kesian betul budak innocent. Tapi kuat betul wanita tadi hadapi dugaan kehilangan seluruh ahli keluarganya.. wuu..

Kesimpulannya, sabar lah. Tak perlu mengeluh. Apa yang kita dapat kalau mengeluh? Rasa lagi penat adalah. Sebaliknya, kalau kita sabar, senyum je, terus positif, insya-Allah, tenang rasa. Hidup pun rasa lebih bahagia. Wajah orang yang bersabar, sangat sangat sangat cantik dan indah, macam wanita tadi. Mehle kita cuba contohi kesabaran wanita tadi. Siapa sabar dia cantik/hensem.

Terima kasih kepada kak Nusaibah, kakak naqibahku, kerana telah menyampaikan kisah tadi kepadaku dan rakan-rakan se-MDPku ketika itu :) Semoga Allah memberkatimu.

Sekian sahaja kisah hari ini.
Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca.

P/S: MDP = Majlis Diskusi Pelajar, merupakan usrah yang diadakan setiap minggu di sekolahku dulu (SMIHJB). MDP diketuai oleh seorang naqib/naqibah. Naqib/Naqibah yang dipilih pula ialah mereka yang berjawatan sebagai Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS), tingkatan 3-5, ataupun kalau bukan PRS, Ustaz/Ustazah yang akan mejadi naqib/naqibah.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 30; Photograph and 3 good things

 This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

The title is very long. I'm gonna writ the full title here;
Day 30; A photograph of yourself today and 3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Alright. a photograph of myself todayyyy,,


okay fine. This is Hanaa's doll.

This is my photograph today :)

captured by Hanaa (my youngest sister)
edited dramatically by yours truly with the help of Adobe Photoshop CS4
brushes downloaded by yours truly and sister (Solehah)
gadgets and devices (camera, PC, etc) by abah. Arigatou..
can you find me? yes? no? no need to lah.

Move on to the next topic,

3 good things that have happened in the past 30 days, since 27th of September..

1. I met some of my school friends at Plaza Angsana and play bowling with some of them. I met Athirah K, Hamizah, Liyana, Nik Atirah and Syahin. We had good time together although it's just a short gathering. Alhamdulillah.

2. My sister's 24th birthday on 19th of October

Maimunah's birthday cake

We held a mini celebration at our home, as usual. We had a vanilla sponge cake, Domino's and fun time together :)

3. Mama and abah's anniversary on 26th of October. Alhamdulillah :)

allow me to add one more. keh keh keh.

4. I got to continue my driving lesson. Please pray for me that I'll be a driving expert sooner and that I'll pass the JPJ test before my semester break ends. hoho. arigatou.

and another one more. heheh.

5. I've finished this 30 days challenge! Congratulations Aliya! *congratulating myself. over-excited. Big thanks to my classmate and coursemate, Neng Nazirah for tagging me. yeaaahh.. and thanks to my other friends who also do this challenge with me. We've gone through challenges together. ceyh.

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal. Alhamdulillah for all things.

Since I'm done with this challenge, for the next posts, I'm going to have to find more topics myself again. aih, biarle.

That's all I'm sharing today.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 29; Something I could never get tired of doing

 This post is included in the 30 days challenge



Hm. I myself am not sure of what I could never get tired of doing. Because in everything I do, there must be a point where I felt tired of doing it, although it is something I like. If I do it too much or too long, I'll feel bored and want to do some other things. but I do have many things I rarely get tired of doing :)

One of them is;

looking at the blue sky

but if I stare up too long, my neck will get tired too. ceh.
But still, looking at the sky can bring peace in my mind. I feel calm. and like my dad, I like to photograph the sky too. The sky is very beautiful, subhanallah.

oh, this is the 29th challenge! the last, 30th, is tomorrow's. Wow. How time has flew so fast. It's 30 days already. Our final result will be out next week! I have less than four weeks of holiday remaining. Wuh. never mind.

that's all.
wassalam :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 28; What I've learned in this month

 This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Salam :)

Alhamdulillah, in this month, October 2011, I have learned a lot of things.

credits to Al jazaari@Tumblr

1. Be patient in reading and gaining knowledge.
Don't be too greedy or eager or curious in learning. You'll learn as you read, study and observe. Finish a book one by one, slowly. Gain a knowledge, chapter by chapter, slowly.
You'll finally get there, when the time comes.

2. Don't put too much expectation on something you don't know.
Accept things as they are. Understand why it is like that, instead of something you expected.

3. Be confident. Believe in yourself.
But moderately. Don't be over-confident. Don't be too demotivated. When you believe in yourself, everything will be fine, insya-Allah. Be positive.

4. Be cool. Don't gelabah.
Relax as things come. Don't be too cuak or gelabah. You are rational when you are relaxed and calm.

5. When to use learned and when to use learnt.
Learned is used after the word 'have'. Learnt is used as a simple past tense. (I got confused with these words after reading the title of this post)
Examples: I have learned a lot of things this month. I learnt a lot of things yesterday.
Correct me if I'm wrong :)

6. You are what you choose to be.
You know what is good and what is bad, now choose. The decision is in your hand :)

7. One must have a stand.
Have a stand. I read a pakcik's comment on Facebook regarding one issue. I forgot what is the issue about but, kind of sensitive kot. the pakcik wrote about some people who are always neutral on siding a party. He got a point there. For how long are you going to stay neutral? In the end, we still have to choose.
but then, when you have a stand, be considerate and temperate too. I learnt this from Sang Pencerah movie. I like the quote, "Kita mesti ada prinsip. Tapi jangan fanatik." which means "We must have a principle. But don't be too fanatic." It made me think a lot.
Sometimes, people are too fanatic of a stand, a principle, a concept, etc that they don't even comprehend it. Too proud of it that they forgot what is it actually about. And sometimes, I'm one of 'them'. astaghfirullah. #muhasabah.

Alhamdulillah for all the things I've learned.

That's all I am sharing for now.
Wassalam :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 27; What kind of person attracts me

 This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

Kali ni nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu. Sebab, saya tertarik dengan orang yang kemas.
dan saya tak tau kemas dalam Bahasa Inggeris apa.

Kalau buat ayat 'A smart person attracts me', macam membawa maksud orang yang pandai, bukan kemas. hoho.

Tidy ni macam lebih kepada kekemasan barang atau tempat pula.
She has a tidy appearance. rasa macam tak betul je ayat tu kan? Ke betul ha?

Siapa yang ada perkataan paling sesuai untuk kemas, selain smart dan tidy, sila bagitau ye. hoho.

Jadi, yup, saya suka seseorang yang kemas. Dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki. Ataupun daripada hujung tudung sampai ke hujung stokin.

Lee Young Ae, berlakon sebagai Janggeum dalam Jewel in The Palace
Saya suka menonton cerita Jewel in the Palace sebab pelakonnya sangat kemas. Rambut dia, tengoklah macam gambar kat atas ni. Kemas betul. Macam mana lah dia sikat dan ikat tu. Huh. Pakaian pun sopan je. Sedap mata memandang.

Kwon Sang Woo, berlakon sebagai Cha Song Joo dalam Stairway to Heaven
macam ni pun kemas juga. Piano sebelah dia pun warna putih (tak sal). Baju kemas. Rambut kemas. Tak tutup dahi. Smart lah.

Ni pun smart. Tengok lipatan tudung kat bahagian muka tu. Kemas je. Bukan senang nak lipat tudung kemas-kemas macam tu. Kalau kain yang lembut sangat, nanti dia senget. Atau tak betul lah. Kalau kain yang licin, nanti tudung tertarik lah. Kadang-kadang kena lilin dulu kat bahagian muka tu, baru kemas. Itu pun kalau lilin dengan betul. Kalau salah cara lilin, makin buruk lah jadinya. Okeh, siapa tak faham angkat tangan.

Kat sekolah dulu, saya ada satu habit. Iaitu tengok muka kawan-kawan saya, tengok lipatan tudung kat muka dia. Kalau kemas, memang saya tenung lama-lama sikit. Oh, saya suka juga berbuat demikian terhadap ustazah-ustazah di sekolah. Sebab ustazah punya tudung biasanya sangat kemas. Adorable.

Kesimpulannya, saya suka orang yang kemas.
Islam pun menganjurkan umatnya untuk berpakaian kemas kan?
Sejuk mata memandang. Sejuk hati melihat. Rasa macam ada aircond dalam hati.

Jadi, marilah kita berpenampilan kemas selalu! :D

Sekian, terima kasih.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 26; A photo of somewhere I want to go

 This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

On this earth, besides the cities where Islam's honourable mosques are located, there are still other places I really want to go. Lots of them, actually as I really love to travel, only that I don't really have the budget to go there at the moment ;p. So, these three are on the top of my list.

The City Palace of Al-Hambra at Granada, Spain

Istanbul, Turkey

For both places, Granada and Istanbul, I really really really want to go there because of the architecture of the buildings there. They are beautiful, unique and shows how the Islamic empire has once been very great. and another attraction is their history. Hm. I guess I'm attracted to the places where the Islamic empire has once conquered. The Granada has once conquered by the Umayyah and Abbasiyyah empire, and the Istanbul was conquered by the Uthmaniyyah (Ottoman) empire. Yeah, I like to visit historical places a lot. That's why I like going to the museums.

Oxford, England

I remember Mama told me about her trip to Oxford. She said that she really likes the environment there. So peaceful, less car, very country-side like, classic. It's from Mama's story that I began to like this place. The architecture is cool too. Mama said that going there, you'll feel like you are in the 18th century. It's like its city structure from the 18th century is preserved till today. I like it.
and I really want to go to it's university. Yup, University of Oxford. Just a visit there will do.

By the way, all the photos are sourced from wikipedia. eheh.

That's all. Salam.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 25; Who am I?

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Who am I?
Are you sure you want to know who I am?

OKlah. If you want to know who I am, click on the 'about me' button above. or read my previous '15 facts about me' post. or not. hoho.
or, or, you can ask my parents, my sisters, my brothers, my teachers, my friends to know more about me. They have spent their time with me, especially my family, so, they know me well enough, insya-Allah.
If you don't want to know things about me, that's better. ceh.

It reads as 'Aliya'. It's my name. Means; high.
This name is from our family's tree of names :)
Of course, I'm a human Allah created with lots of responsibilities towards Him, my parents, my family, my duties, the people in general, study, etcetera etcetera. So, I have responsibilities. You have responsibilities. Responsibilities, no matter how big or how small it is, will be counted during the judgement day. gulp. We are responsible of what we said. We are responsible of what we write. We are responsible of what we choose to see. We are responsible towards ourselves. Let us be responsible. Huhu.

felt burdened on the shoulder

Please pray for me that I'll be more responsible 'till I can be independent.
May we all have the strength to be more responsible. Amiin.

Remind me if I forgot, correct me if I did anything wrong. Please. Thank you :)

That's all. Salam.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 24; Photo of something that means a lot to me

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Aku suka baca balik semua kata-kata semangat kat kertas ni. Walaupun ni kata-kata semangat yang ditulis untuk SPM, tapi apa salahnya semangat ini terus digunakan kan? kecuali part 'SPM 11A+' tu jelah. Sekarang target dah lain. Tapi matlamat tetap sama, nak berjaya, capai cita-cita.

Terima kasih rakan-rakan 5 Iftikhar 2010. Saya/Ana/Kita rasa semangat baca korang2 punya tulisan ni. Semoga kita semua tetap semangat untuk berjaya di jalan yang masing-masing ambil. Semoga kita semua dapat menyumbang untuk Islam. Innallaha ma'ana. Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita :D

Tiba-tiba rasa macam post ni didedikasikan buat Iftikharian 2010 pulak -__-"

sekian sahaja. wassalam :)

P/S: Mestilah ada banyak lagi perkara yang bermakna buat saya. Islam, iman, keluarga, sahabat-sahabat saya sendiri, guru-guru, ilmu pengetahuan, semuanya amat bermakna dan saya bersyukur kerana dianugerahkan semuanya itu. Alhamdulillah.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 23; 15 Facts About Me

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Salam :)
The task today, is to list out 15 facts about me. Zassss~!

Some of my siblings.
Tiba-tiba rasa macam cool pula kalau buat gambar ni jadi header kan?

  1. I am a female
  2. I'm turning 18 on the 11/11/11 ;)
  3. I have 2 older brothers, 4 older sisters and 4 younger sisters
  4. I was born in Johor Bahru
  5. I like chocolates but I kind of dislike chocolate cake
  6. I dislike chocolates with nuts because I kind of dislike nuts. I prefer milk chocolate or black forest *drools*
  7. I like the number 7 and 11. I like odd numbers.
  8. I love vanilla because, it seems pure. hohoh.
  9. I dreamt of being a teacher since I was in primary school.
  10. The first story I write was written when I was 10, and I never finish that story because I lost the book T___T
  11. I dreamt of being an author or novelist since then, though.
  12. I don't really like to talk about marriage or any lovey-dovey things too much actually. geli. and, err, I don't think it's time to be bothered by those yet. We have better things to be bothered about.
  13. I love books.
  14. I love all my mom's cook especially nasi ayam, asam pedas and her sushi.
  15. I prefer people calling me Aliya instead of any shortened version of it, except Aya. But Aya is restricted to family and close friends only. ho ho ho. unless you want to call me pretty, call me Li :P

Those are the facts about yours truly. Yoroshiku. Salam taaruf. Selamat berkenalan.

That's all. Salam :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 22; A letter to someone who has hurt me recently

This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

I think no one has hurt me recently.
It is I who have hurt someone, kot. Or sometwo. Or somethree. Or some more people.
Sometimes we hurt people without we realizing ek. huhu.
I hope whoever who I've hurt will forgive me. I'm very very sorry.

So, since no one has hurt me recently, no letter lah.

I suddenly thought of being quiet and pemalu (:P) on the next semester.
Because sometimes I talked to much, more unnecessary things went out from my mouth. I could hurt people too, because as what some of my friends have said, some of my words are 'sinis' and 'pedih', and I do agree with them. Hoho. Sorry friends if I've ever hurt you with my words.
So, I better practising being quiet and pemalu starting now! but not too quiet kot. My aimed version of quiet is talk only when needed too, and not talk exceedingly. hohoh. and, not being too loud.

Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Anyone who believes in Allah and the Last Day, should speak good words or be silent." [Agreed upon]

 Ibn 'Umar reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not say much without mentioning Allah. A lot of talk without mentioning Allah Almighty makes people's hearts hard. The furthest of people from Allah are the hard-hearted." [at-Tirmidhi]

that's all.
wassalam :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 21; A photo of something that makes me happy

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Salam :)

I don't want to put just a picture. Please allow me to put two. Although there's actually more than two things that make me happy. But these are the only two I want to feature. Hohoho.

The Al-Quran and the books

My favourite things. Just seeing these can make me happy. I love to look at a shelf full of books. I love to look at my book or novel collection (although I still haven't finished reading all those). I love sitting or standing in front of a book shelf picking books to read, or berangan 'I will read this one' but up until now I haven't read it yet (rambang mata sangat nak pilih buku nak baca). I love going to book stores and look at all rows of shelves filled with books.
If you give me a book or a magazine which issue I haven't bought yet, I would surely be happy :) . but that also depends on the book content and genre. heh.
and, just seeing the Al-Quran makes me feel calm. When I hold it, I feel calmer. and in it, there are a lot of ayat that can make me feel happy and positive :)

and here's another thing that makes me happy.

A hijab-ed Barbie Doll!
how cool is that?! 0o0

....wait.... I just googled and there's another product like Barbie, named Folla. Now I'm confused. Is Folla a company under Barbie or Mattel or is it just another company of doll? Is the doll I put above is a Barbie or a Folla? hmm.. never mind. The point is, the doll is dressed appropriately. Covers her aurah. This fashion can be followed by the young children who play this doll :))
by the way, the doll above is Hanaa's, my youngest sister.

Updated: Alright, the above doll is a Fulla. It's marketed to children of Islamic and Middle-East countries. My brother Ahmad bought it at Jordan. 

alright. that's all.

Salam :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 20; The meaning behind my blog name

This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

For the time being, my blog is named "Aliya K's" as I really don't have any other ideas of what name to give to this bloggy.
Aliya K's, means that this blog belongs to Aliya K *duh, anyone would know that*.
and, Aliya K is my nickname.

as for my URL, i name it aliyakhair. It's my other nickname, Aliya Khair. Khair is the shortened version of Khairuddin, my dad's name which is also my last name.

 The meaning:
Aliya; high, sublime, lofty :)
Khair; good, best.

I hope I'll be as good as my name. Or this blog'll be as good as its name. Insya-Allah.


Here's some reminder of the day. hoho. tetibe.

can't remember where did I found this picture.
sorry to the owner for not putting credits.
but I hope you'll get a reward for each time anyone reading this, insya-Allah

That's all.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 19; A picture of something I want to do before I die

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


This task is repeated ek. ceh. Means that I can add more! ho ho ho.
but in this entry, I just want to add one more thing. because I'm not too rajin to write longer.

Before I die, I want to

of course.

and I want to have another chance of performing fajr prayers at the seaside, reciting surah with khuyu', and then watch the sunrise with the people I love.

That's all.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 18; 5 things that irritate me about opposite/same sex

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Nobody's perfect, I know. We have to accept others just the way they are. But still, as a human too, I still have some things that I can hardly accept about people. People's act, to be exact. Things that reallly irritate me.

credits to sonic-toad @ DeviantArt

1. Gedik over-dose. I dislike both girls/boys who are gedik. Well, I can still accept if you have a little dose of gedik inside you, because every human has their own gedik side. But if you revealed too much of your gedik-ness, or act gedik exceedingly, errr.......

2. Saying harsh words / mencarut. No matter what gender is the doer, I still dislike the act of saying harsh words / mencarut. Somehow, I cannot accept this sentence, "Kau tu perempuan, jaga lah sikit bahasa tu. Aku lelaki, takpela jugak nak mencarut." No! You're a male, a female, still, mencarut is not good, okay.
Daripada Abu Hurairah ra, Nabi saw bersabda yang bermaksud: "Mencarut adalah sejenis sikap kasar. Manakala sikap kasar balasannya ialah neraka."
(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Some people uses the excuse of, "I'm sorry, I was just too mad, I cannot do anything except mencarut". Well, actually, there are still some things you can do :)

  • Be quiet and patient
  • Istighfar
  • Take wudhu'
  • Sit
  • Get some rest
  • Express your feeling through some scribble, doodle, writing, talking, crying, running, punching your plushies, yelling at a wide space (in the middle of the field or on top of a hill, with no one around), etc2..
  • Istighfar again.

of course you will take some time to practice this, but, just try to lessen the act of saying harsh things. Insya-Allah, you can.

3. Talk bad things about someone, esp about people I know. Open someone's aib. I usually see/hear girls do this *duh, I'm closer to girls*. Well, I don't care if someone say it with the intention to try to change the person's bad deed, to think of a solution to it. But if someone or a group of people say it without any good intention, just to maki-maki or just for their own satisfaction, I can hardly accept it. and the thing I cannot accept the most is someone saying bad things about their own friend behind her/his back, and that friend happens to be my friend too. What a hypocrite. When this happen, usually, the person who did this will lose my trust, little by little, but I will still talk to her/him though. Wait, does that make me a hypocrite too? err.. *gulp* *guilty*

4. Garang people. Although sometimes I'm garang too ;p. Oh, and I also dislike guys with big voices when they are yelling or being garang. It's just too scary. Like the storm. uhuhu..

5. People who knows that someone is easily moved and sensitive, yet still tease that someone. Usually guys, towards girls. I can't stand looking my friend crying often. Come on guys, please be considerate. She got her own problem already and now you hurt her more. You guys better apologize. Maybe you think, "come on, it's just a teasing. I was just joking." But, no. Some girls are more sensitive than you think. So, think before you act!

Har har. This post is a bit emo. Writing things that irritate me really makes me feel irritated to those things. So, usually, when I'm irritated, I'll give an annoyed look or a death glaring stares. or maybe I'll just talk to that person right away that what she/he's doing isn't good. But sometimes, I give zero expression and just keep quiet about it. Hating with the heart. (Selemah-lemah iman? oyr. Astaghfirullah). Better improve it, okay. For those who don't get my last four sentences above, refer this [hadith on amar ma'ruf nahi munkar] and relate. It's kind of related somehow. hoho.

Alright, that's all for now.

Salam :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 17; How I hope my future will be like

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Salam :)

credits to ru0905's flickr, the photographer of Danbo the Box Man

In the future, if Allah still gives me the chance to live, I hope I'll be.......

a caring teacher
an Islamic book author / script writer :)
a housewife ;p
a daie always
a happy muslimah
a successful person
a good example to anyone who's younger than me, esp. my younger sisters.
someone who's rich with good deeds and contributions towards the ummah

but, for the time being, I just want to

"Study till I get rich! ; in this world and in the hereafter ;)"
- the whiteboard in my room at Tun Hasan -

Eheh. Insya-Allah.

May Allah bless.

That's all.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 16; A picture of someone who inspires me

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


There are two persons actually that inspire me. those sometwo (sukahati buat word sendiri) who inspire me are,

abah and mama

They are my inspiration, my strength, my motivation, my parents.
Allow me to continue in Malay.

Agak mengecewakan sikit yang aku baru sedar dan hayati pengorbanan mama dan abah betul-betul lepas SPM. Tiba-tiba macam baru ternampak 'oh, selama ni mama gini gini' 'selama ni abah gini gini'. Baru sedar yang betul-betul punya sedar. Kesedaran ini aku tak dapat dan hayati waktu sekolah dulu. Waktu dah habis sekolah, sebelum keputusan SPM keluar, dah duduk rumah lama-lama sikit, tiba-tiba macam, *ketuungg!!* aku tersedar.

Bagaimana mereka menginspirasi aku?

Abah dan mama dua-dua pandai. Belajar bagus. Abah dulu kat sekolah, saaaangat sangat rajin. Budak surau, selalu kejut orang subuh, pastu semangat belajar. Add math pernah dapat highest. Biology pernah dapat 100. Dengan keputusan trial SPM je, dapat offer sambung architecture kat UK.
Mama pula, kat sekolah dulu, antara yang terawal mulakan trend pakai tudung dekat sekolah menengah. Zaman tu, boleh kira pakai jari je siapa yang pakai tudung dekat sekolah. Itu pun banyak kali kena condemn dengan warga sekolah. Nak-nak lagi dengan uniform sekolah yang memang pakai skirt. Memanglah saya respek dekat mama sebab mampu jadi kuat untuk setia dengan tudung.

Lihat. Itulah mereka di zaman sekolah. Cukup untuk membuatkan aku semangat nak belajar, sebab nak jadi macam abah dan mama. Cukup untuk membuatkan aku setia dengan tudungku yang bolehla dimasukkan dalam kategori labuh lah juga. Malu tau sebenarnya bila ibu bapa kita hebat, tapi kita sendiri...?

Mama dan abah dah berikan aku macam-macam benda yang terbaik. Mereka pastikan aku dapat belajar dekat SMI Hidayah walaupun yurannya agak tinggi. Sebab mereka nak aku dapat pendidikan akademik dan rohani yang terbaik. Mereka bagi aku pergi ESQ, sebab mereka nak aku termotivasi untuk lebih mencintai Allah dan Islam. Mereka izinkan aku beli macam-macam buku sebab mereka tau aku suka buku, siap suggest buku lagi. Mama bagi je aku beli macam-macam tudung asalkan aku tutup aurat. Abah selalu bagi semangat untuk aku mendalami minat aku terutamanya fotografi. Dan macam-macam lagilah jasa mereka. Mestilah kan.

Alhamdulillah Allah dah sedarkan aku. Sekarang, memang aku nak semangat belajar, aku ingat mama abah. Aku rasa macam lemah lembik, aku ingat abah mama. Aku mesti jadi sehebat mereka. atau lebih hebat lagi? huhuh. Aku, nak, banggakan mereka. Bahagiakan mereka. Supaya usaha dan pengorbanan mereka selama ini tak sia-sia.

Jadi, yeah, aku sebenarnya tengah agak berusaha nak jadi yang terbaik. Sebab tu aku cuba nak belajar rajin-rajin dalam bidang yang aku sendiri dah pilih, Asasi TESL. Alhamdulillah, Allah hantarkan manusia-manusia yang rajin jadi rakan-rakan sekelasku dan rakan-rakan sebilikku. Terdorong sikit aku nak rajin.

Dan bila aku tulis dalam bahasa melayu dan pasal ibu bapa aku dan pasal perkara yang sangat hampir denganku, memang aku akan tulis panjang. Agaknya siapalah yang sanggup baca sampai habis entri ni.. Mestilah aku sendiri! hahahaha. ok tak perlu gelak kot.

Kesimpulannya, tahniah kepada abah dan mama sebab jadi hebat sampai menjadi inspirasi saya dan terima kasih atas segalanya.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Where am I now?

Salam again.

This is my second post today.

Ikram Faruqi, my nephew

I am now sitting on a sofa, typing on my netbook keyboard, facing the standing fan, a TV about 3.5 metres ahead, thinking about my holiday, planning to have a great holiday, and still sitting, on a sofa, in a living room, in a house, in USJ. That's correct! I'm in my sister (Uswah)'s house!

I have just finished my MUET Speaking Test this morning. Alhamdulillah the test went well and smoothly, I guess. I think it's a lot better compared to the speaking test of my previous final exam -__-". Since one of my classmates always stressed that "confidence is the key" in our class' FB group, that sentence is stuck in my head until now. Yeah. and I wrote "Be confident!" at the top of a piece of paper the examiner gave me before writing any notes there.

Yes, I do believe that confidence is the key. (macam ayat dalam group discussion je. takpe, go on). When you are confident, even a simple idea can look great and bombastic and marvellous. Sometimes, it depends on your voice intonation. But still, at least, just try to find any interesting ideas. Relax, keep calm, recite zikr in your heart, read some doa before start, still be calm, be confident, and start. *why do I suddenly giving tips?

Some of my friends esp. my classmates are still haven't had their MUET Speaking Test yet. Most of them will have it tomorrow. Good luck, friends! Break a leg, break a tongue, break the record, etcetera etcetera. Remember, Allah is always with you guys :)

For a productive holiday, I've started reading 'The Quran and I', I've posted about the book previously. The book is quite interesting. and, I want to find more books, and I am aiming to go to the Big Bad Wolf Books Sale at Serdang! I want to go there sooooo badly! tapi kalau tak dapat, redha saja. I'm cool.
and, most of my friends do cooking/baking at their home, I feel kind of challenged. heh.
and, I am planning some activities for my batch's reunion, especially the girls. May Allah eases us.
and, I want to seek more knowledge during this holiday, especially the things I've once got at school before, but I hardly find them recently. paham-paham le.
and, I want to be more productive!

Dear friends who are enjoying their holidays, happy holiday! and let's have a productive holiday!
and dear all readers, be happy and let's learn to appreciate everything!
busyness is a nikmat too you know. because sometimes when you have nothing to do, you will be bored to death. kalau mati betul-betul, macam mati sia-sia je sebab tak buat apa-apa. yedoq? faham dok? never mind.

ok dah. I think I'm done.
Thanks and wassalam :)

#Random du'a :)


"اللهم اني اسالك رضاك والجنة واعوذ بك من سخطك والنار"

"O Allah! I beseech You grant me Your pleasure and Paradise, and I seek your protection from Your Wrath and Hell-Fire"

May Allah bless us

Day 15; Something I don't live the house without

This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Salam :)

Live? You mean, leave?
I don't leave the house without

my handphone.

But when I'm in a rajin-to-bring-lots-of-things mood, I'll bring my black and white garis2 kotak2 patterned sling bag. Inside, I put my wallet, lip ice, my Quran (sometimes), book/s I want to read/am reading (sometimes), a pen and some brooches.

But when I'm in a too-malas-to-hold-anything mood, I'll bring nothing, even my handphone. but I rarely left my handphone la sebab banyak kali orang kata "aliya ni ade henpon, buatla cara macam ada henpon." so, yeah. luckily I have that phone strap, I can just hang it on my neck. So I don't have to hold it. Thanks to whoever invented the phone strap!

But but, I'll never leave the house without my hijab :)

Semoga istiqamah. Insya-Allah. Ameen!

Thank you.
Wassalam :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 14; A TV Show I'm currently addicted to.

This post is included in the 30 days challenge


Salam :)

So, the TV show i'm currently addicted to;


because I don't watch TV much these days. But I'm kind of loyal to the drama Jewel in The Palace which is now shown on the TV Al-Hijrah channel. Astro Channel 114. But I missed the drama yesterday. heh. I totally forgot about it. and I will miss it again today and the day after tomorrow too, insya-Allah as I'll be on UiTM for my MUET this becoming Wednesday T___T. ah, biarle.

p/s: I'll go to UiTM this morning, insya-Allah


By the way, I'm doing Day 14's challenge already, shows how time has passed since the time I accepted this challenge. Shows how some of days of my holiday have passed. It made me think; how do I spend my holiday so far? What benefits do I get during this period? What new experience do I get? What new knowledge have I gained? How much? Am I satisfied? Are my plans for this holiday turned real? and I can barely give positive answers for the questions.

*sigh. I am sighing to the fact that I'm not very productive so far, during this holiday.
Never mind. I'll try harder to be more productive. Insya-Allah.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Day 13; Picture of My Favourite Band or Artist

This post is included in the 30 days challenge

Assalamualaikum! and good day :)

I love musics and I have plenty of favourite artists but these are my top favourites.

Richard Clayderman

A French pianist. An artist of instrumental music. Some of his musics combined two genres, like classical and pop and the outcome were awesome. I love most of his musics :D :D

Kevin Kern

An American pianist and music composer. Most of his musics are soft and soothing. His musics can be a sweet lullaby song. heee.


A japanese band of instrumental music. They used piano in most of their songs. Their musics are great too and very soothing. Can be a lullaby. Can also be a background music for a sad scene. I love their musics :)


my all-time favourite nasyeed band. My family love their songs too, especially the old albums.

There you go. If you readers have some time, you can listen to their musics. Insya-Allah you'll like them.

That's all. thanks and salaam :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 12; My current relationship...

This post is included in the 30 days challenge

...if single, discuss how single life is.

If the question asked about my current relationship status, well,

I am happily
my relationship status at my Facebook wall

har har..

Well, I've wrote about her in my Journey in pre-TESL's post, part 2 & 3. Alhamdulillah, our relationship is still okay till today. I hope I will meet her next week, when we go to UiTM for our MUET.
But but but, this relationship is just a sweet ukhuwah fillah kind of relationship ea. We are straight. Don't worry, my family.

Till today, I am very grateful that Allah has united Amirah and I at UiTM, in 1B. Alhamdulillah :)
I hope we will always be friends fillah, no matter what happens. Insya-Allah.


Okay, a more serious answer. I'm happily single because I still want to be a daughter of abah and mama, and I want to study till I get rich, and I am actually already engaged to da'wah, tarbiyyah and study. Well, everyone's a da'iee right? So, basically, everyone is engaged with da'wah. tazkirah time.


I just got back from the 3 days and 2 nights camp. It's quite fun, alhamdulillah. After this, you'll notice the increase in numbers of my 'friends' on facebook, and I'll be added by mostly 12 y/ol's. (konfiden sungguh tulis gini. Satgi takde sape add. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. L)
Oh, and this post is not scheduled because I was too tired to create this post the other day. Alhamdulillah I could do this post today :)

*sigh.. I want to update something more beneficial lah...
ok ignore it.

That's all for now. Thanks :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 11; What's in my make up bag

This post is included in the 30 days challenge



Let's explore what's inside my make up bag!

But first, can you find my make up bag? Do you see it anywhere?

*shook head*

right! Because I don't have a make up bag! hohoho.

But I bet if I do have one, it would only be filled with the Lip Ice.

So, that's all. hoho.
just a short post -__-"

wassalam :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 10; A photo of my favourite place to eat

This post is included in the 30 days challenge



I really like to eat at

my home,
of course :)

and of course, the above picture is not my home. I got the picture from Google. Thanks Google Inc.

No other place can beat my home. Even all the cafes at my campus cannot beat my home. Although the food at e-Point is less costy, the nasi ayam at Bentara is yummy, the food at Temenggung is not bad, the dinner at Jebat is yummy, the restaurants at Dimensi are not bad, my home is still #1.


that's all.
wassalam :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 9; A photo of the last item I purchased

This post is included in the 30 days challenge



So, this is the last item I purchased. It was last week, though. Last Tuesday, to be exact.
I purchased it at Popular at Wangsa Walk, KL, when I was jalan-jalan with Abah and Uswah before Abah and I went back to JB.

taken using my Acer Crystal Eye Webcam
The Quran and I
by Anas Zubedy

I have read this book's synopsis on some magazine's section of 'Suggested Books' and I think it's interesting. So, I have been searching for this book for quiet a while and alhamdulillah I finally found it! :) Thanks to abah for providing the money to buy this book. Ho ho ho ~

About this book. Well, honestly, I haven't started reading this yet, hoho, because I've just finished another book. I'm planning to start reading this book though. But not tonight kot as I got some packing to do. So, I'm providing the synopsis here, for anyone who are reading this to read.

A collection of short memoirs, reflections and childhood memories, The Quran and I depicts how the Quran inspires one man on a day –to-day basis, starting from lessons learned from his grandfather till the time he launched his first career and beyond. Honest touching, hilarious and heartbreaking at the same time, the stories are uniquely Malaysian, at once personal and universal, told with hope and love.

Interested? Go get this book! :D
oh, I purchased this book with the price RM36.40

I hope after reading this book, I will be more inspired to explore the Quran and the meaning behind each words and ayaat of it. So that my heart will be closer to Him. and I hope the same thing or better thing will happen to other readers of this book too. Amiin.


By the way, I will be away for about 3 days starting tomorrow. Insya-Allah, for the next three days' challenges (day 10, 11 and 12), I'll do it before I go and they will be scheduled. I hope I can finish them, hoho. Kalau anda tengok the next three days takda post, maksudnya aku tak sempat siapkan lah tu ;p. ceh, aku tulis gini bajet ada orang follow-up lah kan blog ni. takpelah. aku tau memang ada.

Insya-Allah, some of my seniors and I will be the facilitator for standard 6 students of SK Pearl Hill's camping. The camping will be held for three days and two nights, at Kem Kaizen. How I miss camping. So, dear reader(s), if you read this, please pray for us and wish us some good luck :) heeee thanks!
